Reach Your Potential
Linzi Levinson on WOR710 radio in NY and iheartradio shares how to reach our potential. Listen to this brief audio and learn how!
Linzi Levinson is interviewed on WOR710 Radio on October 26, 2014 and I HeartRadio!!!! She can help you with communication skills! Listen here.
Personal favor, due to a “mishap” all GOOGLE + was lost. This can harm business, (google rankings) so I have been asked to request anyone who is kind enough to become a follower on what has been finally found and reset….
THANKS in advance. I so appreciate the support.
Online Life Coaching and Relationship Counseling Services
What You Can Expect From Relationship Counseling
Are you frustrated with any aspect of your life? Not sure how to stop making the same choices you keep making? Want to have a fuller life with more happiness, peace of mind and passion. My online life coaching practice can move you to a better place.
My name is Linzi Levinson and I specialize in relationships, careers and personal growth. In Relationship Counseling, my clients are typically more able to effect change in their lives, accomplish goals, develop increased self-esteem, enhance relationships, and a better work/life balance with less stress.
Linzi Levinson – Your Relationship Coach
Here’s how I can help
Wellness For Life
Integrative Health is vital, but often ignored in the strategy for wellness. Medical professionals address the ailment as a single entity. It all goes together, and a specialist who understands this can offer Health Integration strategies for wellness. I can help you integrate and get to true health and wellness.
Parenting Challenges
There is a power struggle that exists when parenting, and it is due to parents feeling responsible to “raise kids right”. The power is what needs to be removed for kids to rise to their potential. This is a new way of thinking, but truly works. Let me teach it to you. Life gets so much easier.
Better Relationships
We are missing much of what it is to go back to primal ways of being. Masculinity, femininity, chivalry, and nurturing are keys in how people can remain attracted to one another. We are so busy being equal that the attraction slips away. Read More About Relationship Counseling
Sexuality and Gender
This is to the depth of our being. What sex we are, what sex we are attracted to, and can we be with truth in all the curiosity that exists within these dynamics and leads to these answers. I can straight talk with you so we arrive at the truth.
Our Genuine Self
This is the key to a happy life. We must love ourselves, and we need identity and purpose to have esteem. How can we understand identity and purpose? It can be tricky, but I can help you every step; you will watch your own self- transformation happen before your eyes.
Divorce Alternatives
This is killing our esteem, our health and that of our children, and honestly…these scars can last for a lifetime. Let me help you learn a new way of dissolution that includes relationship counseling or mediation.
Organizational Coaching
New productivity will appear all around the office when your employees and you start “talking the same language”. People want to feel they are an important part of the organization they work for and they are. Learn how to be the most effective director of your company’s future.
Integrated Health
Learn how to bring mind, body, and soul together for a complete program of wellness. Your balance is found by exploring where your key components of wellness rest. Let’s activate them together.