Common Questions

The Difference: Coaching versus Therapy?
Coaching is not so much about focusing on what is making us feel sad or stuck, or spending the time disecting how we got here, but more about naming the truth that the we are “stuck” and in pain. Life Coaching is designed around the concept of staying in the present, and conscious thinking; and then working in the here-and-now to achieve immediate relief by just beginning the forward-movement toward where the client desires to go. It is about momentum. The momentum such that when the client has hope, support, and clarity, they can take that step forward. When they step forward, they see a result. When they see a result, they feel personal pride, and increased self-esteem. When they feel increased self-esteem, that strengthens their identity, which drives them toward aquiring the courage and desire to take the next step. With identity, comes the development of one’s personal convictions. So the more the client expands personal convictions by taking consistent, effective actions; the more they will be driven toward an automatic cycle generating their profound and thriving self-esteem. All of this re-training provides consistent quality for life. One author writes “in simplistic terms, a therapist is there to heal the wounds of the past, and a Life Coach supports you in moving your life forward.” (Rhonda Britten-Fearless Living) Unlike standard therapy, Life Coaching sets goals, tracks client achievements, plans for actions, and is based on accountability…again, all driven by the client’s desire to make changes in their life. Together the client and the coach can design productive patterns to now live with, and increase the client’s self-esteem by doing so.
Is Life Coaching Confidential
In general, confidentiality of all communications is required between a client and a Life Coach. No information is disclosed without prior written permission from the client. However, there are some exceptions required by law to this rule. Exceptions include: Suspected child abuse or dependant adult or elder abuse. The Life Coach is required to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately. If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person including the Coach; the Life Coach is at liberty and possibly even required to notify the police. If a client intends to harm himself or herself. The Life Coach will make every effort to work with the individual to ensure their safety. However, if an individual does not cooperate, additional measures may need to be taken.
How Life Coaching Works?
An action plan is created in partnership by the Life Coach and the client; and new perspectives are then learned (thinking shifts). This correctional thinking then motivates and inspires the new behaviors that can inspire the achievment of the desired goals. The client reflects on old patterns and ways of thinking that are best changed, and is then coached with creative and motivating methods as to how to do so. Accountability is paramount to this strategy…as is the coach’s support and motivation along the way. Life Coaching uses very creative techniques and is customized specifically around the individual client’s needs, wants, requests, as well as areas where the client’s growing edge has been identified. Life Coaching can and will often consist of coach-client meetings that can be held at a home or standard office location, possibly an alternate location of choice, phone sessions as needed, and potentially unique and customized activities designed specifically to accomplish and achieve the individual client’s life goals. Each coach’s practices, policies and convictions can, and of course, will be different. Therefore, it is vital that the client truly understand the foundational attitudes and philosophies, general business practices and personal motivational strategy of the selected coach the client has chosen to work with. In both coaching and in psychotherapy, the most important factor that will ultimately determine a client’s ability to prosper and grow… is the relationship. The ability for the client to feel safe, to build trust, and to feel a true connection through rewarding and authentic communication overlap in both of these fields as the fundamental principles on which to build upon. Life Coaching, however, allows for and encourages many more creative options, so it becaomes imperative to truly have clarity on coach of choice and the protocols and methodologies they work with. Having someone who can understand you, your life, your hopes, your dreams, your visions, and your true potential will prove invaluable. A personal Life Coach will help you design a plan that will put you on the road to your highest potential and guarantee a consistent partner rooting for you at every juncture. Life Coaching is not about making a client feel pressured to take actions. In my practice, personally, it is about encouraging and supporting my client in a way they have never known, and with so much depth that the client can actually feel the visceral impact of that support. It is about support that makes a client feel so empowered they find themselves constantly propelled forward. This forward movement is much of how the client’s identity is getting (re) designed and strengthened, while their self-esteem is often increased at what can feel like the speed of light
My Practice
I practice casually & comfortably. I specialize in life-goal planning, relationship issues, intimacy challenges, and conflict-resolution even in the most controversial situations. I keep it real, personal and warm. Humor is always welcome. Although my previous career was as a Business Strategist in the corporate world; I have very purposefully chosen this career because it allows me the privilege to join you on your journey discovering and exploring every facet of your best self… our best selves…someone we all deserve to know.
Your Experience
Even as you even begin to step into “realizing your highest potential”; you will most likely find yourself in an experience that you literally can’t get enough of. You will find a quality of life revealing itself that you never even knew was possible, and a kind of “rush” that almost feels like magic. This is self- empowerment at it’s best. I can share with you exactly how you already hold the magic, where it is, and the skills on how to access it; and i am quite certain that when received, this is an epiphany that will change your life forever. This is your one and only precious life.
Why Coaching?
After an in-depth graduate program in Holistic Counseling, I earned my Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology with a specialization in Transpersonal Psychology from John F. Kennedy University. I then worked for years as an MFTI, earning the 3000+ hours required on the path toward licensure to become an MFT. During the 5 years that I was building my private practice , and while doing this profound and in-depth work as an MFTI (Marriage Family Therapist Intern), I found myself drawn very much to the aspect and philosophy of coaching. Actually joining with a client to make a life plan as to what they want in their life, how to get it, the truth in answering where they really want to go, and creating the divine map to actually get there. Then, once I witnessed the client on that path, and was blessed enough to be invited to join them, I found myself compelled to consistently root for them, support them, and help motivate them. This is what coaching is all about.
Mental Health Links
The following links are listed to provide you with additional online mental health care information and counseling resources.
Psychology Trends to watch in 2014
Addiction and Recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous
Center for On-Line Addiction
SAMHSA’s Substance Abuse/Addiction
SAMHSA’s Treatment and Recovery
Web of Addictions
Anxiety Disorders
Answers to Your Questions About Panic Disorder
National Center for PTSD
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Mayo Clinic
Calm Clinic
Associations & Institutes
American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
American Counseling Association
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychological Association
Association for Psychological Science
Canadian Mental Health Association
Center for Mental Health Services
National Institute of Mental Health
Mental Health America
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ADDA – Attention Deficit Disorder Association
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, NIMH
Born to Explore: The Other Side of ADD/ADHD
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence
Childhelp USA®
SAMHSA’s Children and Families
SAMHSA’s Protection and Advocacy
Questions and Answers about Memories of Childhood Abuse
The National Domestic Violence Hotline Website
Chronic Fatigue
Bipolar Disorder News –
Depression and How Therapy Can Help
Depression Screening
Depression Test, Symptoms of Depression, Signs of Depression
Developmental Disorders
Asperger’s Disorder
Yale Autism Program
DSM-IV-TR: Diagnoses and Criteria
Dissociation and Traumatic Stress
Sidran Traumatic Stress Institute
Eating Disorders
Journals & Magazines
ADHD Report
Anxiety, Stress and Coping
Contemporary Hypnosis
Depression and Anxiety
Drug and Alcohol Review
Early Child Development and Care
Eating Disorders
Educational Assessment
Journal of Gambling Studies
Journal of Happiness Studies
Journal of Mental Health and Aging
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Language and Cognitive Processes
Loss, Grief & Care
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Metaphor and Symbol
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation
Personal Relationships
Personality and Individual Differences
Psychiatric Bulletin
Psychology of Men & Masculinity
Psychology Today
Stress and Health
Studies in Gender and Sexuality
Substance Abuse
Trauma, Violence & Abuse
Medications and Health Supplements
Drug Interactions,
Drug Interactions, DIRECT
Medical Dictionary
Medications, FDA
Medication, Internet Mental Health
Medications, PDR
Medline, Comparison
Mental Health Care General Links
Internet Mental Health
Let’s Talk Facts, APA
Mental Health Counselor Resources,
Mental Help Net
University of Michigan Health Library
Web Sites You Can Trust, Medical Library Association
Personality Disorders
Mental Help Net – Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders – Focus Adolescent Counselor Services
Suicide Awareness and Hotlines
SAMHSA’s Suicide Prevention
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Suicide: Read This First
Additional Mental Health Care & Counseling Resources
Interpretation of Dreams
Keirsey (Myers-Briggs) Temperament Sorter
Signs of Menopause, Symptoms of Menopause
Note: Not responsible for the content, claims or representations of the listed sites.